Modernization offers world new opportunities
Chinese modernization will provide new opportunities for global development with its latest accomplishments, giving fresh impetus to humanity"s search for paths toward better social systems, President Xi Jinping said on Friday.
Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remarks in a congratulatory message sent to the Lanting Forum on Chinese Modernization and the World, which was held in Shanghai.
Xi said in his message that realizing modernization has been a relentless pursuit of the Chinese people since modern times began and it is also the common aspiration of people of all countries.
"In pursuing modernization, a country needs to follow certain general patterns. More importantly, it should proceed from its own realities and develop its own features," he said. "After a long and arduous quest, the Communist Party of China has led the entire Chinese nation in finding a development path suited to China"s conditions."
At the 20th CPC National Congress in October, the Party laid out the central task of advancing national rejuvenation through a Chinese path to modernization. According to the vision of the CPC, Chinese modernization is not just about achieving a higher level of efficiency than that offered by the capitalist system but is also about effectively maintaining a higher degree of social equity and providing 1.4 billion people with a prosperous and dignified life, which is an important contribution to world development.
While delivering a keynote speech at the forum, attended by representatives of governments, think tanks and media from nearly 80 countries, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang said the modernization of China, with such a huge population and with the aim of promoting common prosperity, will give a stronger boost to global economic recovery, and open up broader paths for the common development of all countries.
"China is now the main trading partner of over 140 countries and regions, making $320 million in direct investment around the world each day and attracting over 3,000 foreign businesses every month," Qin said. "Over the past decade, China has contributed more to global growth than all of the G7 countries combined."
Qin stressed that Chinese modernization, which is on the path of peaceful development, will bring more certainty to world peace and stability.
"China is so far the only country which has included the commitment to a path of peaceful development in its Constitution. China is the top contributor of peacekeeping personnel among the permanent members of the UN Security Council. We advocate the peaceful resolution of international disputes through consultation and dialogue."
Qin reiterated China"s strong resolve to defend its development interests. He warned that countries that have realized modernization should not suppress, contain or stop other countries that choose a different path to modernization.
He said that China has no intention of engaging in major-power competition, and it opposes attempts to create ideological confrontation and a new Cold War, as well as interference in others" internal affairs and the imposition of one"s will on others.
"Recently, there has been some absurd rhetoric accusing China of challenging the rules-based international order, of unilaterally changing the status quo across the Taiwan Strait through force or coercion, and of disrupting peace and stability across the Strait. Such claims go against basic common sense on international relations and historical justice. The logic is absurd, and the consequences dangerous."
The diplomat said it is not the Chinese mainland, but "Taiwan independence" separatist forces and a handful of countries attempting to take advantage of "Taiwan independence" that are disrupting international rules, unilaterally changing the status quo, and undermining stability across the Strait.
"Their definition of rules, the status quo and stability is in fact aimed at hollowing out the one-China principle, achieving the "peaceful division" of China, and ultimately tampering with the historical legacy of World War II, subverting the postwar order, and trampling on China"s sovereignty," he said, adding that China will not lose any part of its territory that has been restored.
Qin reiterated that the Taiwan question is the core interest of China, and "there will be no vagueness at all in our response to anyone who attempts to distort the one-China principle. We will never back down in the face of any act that undermines China"s sovereignty and security."
Participants in the forum highlighted the significance of Chinese modernization for the world. Former Brazilian president and head of the New Development Bank Dilma Rousseff said that Chinese modernization provides a new choice for the world in development paths, which is particularly important amid the challenges of climate change and mounting geopolitical competition.
Gambian Foreign Minister Mamadou Tangara said that China"s modernization resolutely addresses the global deficits of development, peace, governance and trust.
Former Egyptian prime minister Essam Sharaf said that the four pillars of Chinese modernization are "cooperation, harmony, peace and development", which are the road to a global community with a shared future.
caption: Former International Monetary Fund deputy managing director Zhu Min, former Chinese ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai, Co-Chair of the Asia Society John L. Thornton, and Senior Fellow of Politics and International Studies at Cambridge University Martin Jacques (left to right) attend the Lanting Forum on Chinese Modernization and the World in Shanghai on Friday. Zhao Yun / for China Daily
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